For the provision of EU aid and some measures aimed at generational renewal, it is defined young farmers up to 41 years of age.
The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is the most important policy to favor the settlement of young people in agriculture. In particular, specific aid is foreseen in the Rural Development Policy (Second Pillar of the CAP) and Direct Payments (First Pillar of the CAP).
The PSR is the program through which every single region promotes the development of agriculture through the provision of aid, as defined in the CAP. In Italy we have 21 PSRs (1 per region, except for Trentino Alto Adige where there are two PSRs: one for Trento PA and one for Bolzano PA). It is within the PSR that the Regions have defined specific measures for the first settlement of young people in agriculture.
All regions have activated measure 6.1 which supports the settlement of young people in agriculture (up to 41 years of age). The eligibility of the measure takes place through a regional tender checking the conditions for the support. Depending on the regional choices, the amount of support can reach up to 70,000 euros. Each region has its own PSR and you can check it up in the section "Tenders&Opportunities " of Coldiretti Giovani Impresa website.
As part of Direct Payments, an additional premium is provided for young farmers calculated as a percentage of the average value of the rights requested by the farmer. To request the financing, the farmer must be no more than 40 years old and established for the first time as a manager or in the five years preceding the first submission of an application, to join basic payment scheme. Payment is made for a maximum period of 5 years. The youth bonus (commonly called top-up) is added to the other types of direct payments: basic payment (paid based on so-called securities), greening and coupled payment (paid for specific types of production). The amount of the top up is equal to 50% of the average value of the securities held by the young person (eg 50 securities held by the young person for an average value of 100 euros. The amount of the top up will be equal to 2,500 euros). The maximum number of hectares eligible for payment is 90. Consequently, a young farmer who owns 100 hectares receives the top up only on 90 hectares.
An educational farm is one of the educational activities an enterprise can provide as related services. The activity must be carried out by an agricultural entrepreneur, registered in the register of companies, who carries out the main agricultural activity (cultivation, animal breeding, forestry) as stated by Article 2135 of the Italian Civil Code. paragraphs 1 and 2. The agricultural or agritourism enterprise carries out educational and dissemination activities towards schools and more generally towards consumers, in order to: - rediscover the "cultural" value of agriculture and the rural world, enhancing the educational role and information for the farmer - create a network of relationships between producer and young consumer aimed at understanding agricultural production and a healthy lifestyle - consolidate the links especially of young people with their own territory. Many regions have defined the educational agricultural activity by drawing up a "Quality Charter" to qualify the training offer, including, among other things, safety and sanitation requirements, logistics, hospitality and teaching, training, communication and information obligations, creation of informative and didactic material as well as evaluation forms for the visit. All the regions that have regulated the didactic activity on the farm foresee: regional accreditation, to be obtained upon request and adaptation to the foreseen requirements, including the training course; regional list , often a logo, of accredited farms.
The Sportello Unico per le Attivita Produttive (SUAP) is a telematic tool for administrative simplification: through the aid of other simplification tools - such as the Segnalazione Certificata di Inizio Attività (SCIA), silent consent, an agreement between administration and individuals, the Services Conference - aims to streamline relations between public administration and businesses. The SUAP allows the user who presents the file to receive a single and timely electronic response in place of all the public administrations involved in the procedure. The counter operates exclusively in telematic mode. Through the following link http://www.impresainungiorno.gov.it/sportelli-suap you can access the SUAP of your Municipality and start the necessary procedures for the development of your business.
ISMEA (Institute of Services for the Agricultural Food Market) provides the following types of aid to facilitate access and generational turnover in agriculture: - First Settlement; - Self-employment and generational change in agriculture; - National Bank of Agricultural Lands (BTA). With the First Settlement, the purchase of farms by young farmers is financed at interest. The amount of the aid is equal to 70,000 euros, the disbursement of which is linked to the presentation of a business development plan that demonstrates the economic, financial and environmental sustainability of the intervention in relation to the development of the agricultural activity. The "Self-entrepreneurship and generational turnover in agriculture" award is aimed at micro, small and medium-sized agricultural enterprises organized in the form of an individual firm or company, made up of young people aged between 18 and 40 years old, with the following requirements: - takeover: agricultural enterprises regularly established for no more than 6 months with operational headquarters in the national territory, with the transferring company active for at least two years, economically and financially sound; - expansion: agricultural enterprises active and regularly established for at least two years, with operational headquarters in the national territory, economically and financially sound. Finally, the BTA and the showcase of the land that Ismea makes available for purchase, providing a preferential lane for young people under 41 who will be able to take advantage of thirty-year mortgages and a subsidized rate.